Daniela Gloger art therapy teacher


Daniela holds a Bachelor’s degree in Visual Arts with a major in Sculpture and Engraving from the Universidad Finis Terrae (Chile). She also has a Master’s degree in Art Therapy from Metàfora-Universitat de Barcelona. She completed Advanced Studies in the Doctorate Program: Times and Places of Contemporary Sculpture at UB. As a teacher and supervisor in the Postgraduate Art Therapy Program at the University of Chile (2006-2011), she served as the President of the Chilean Association of Art Therapy (ACAT) from 2010 to 2013. She is a co-founder of Espaciocrea – Center for Art Therapy. Currently, she is the co-director and creator of the Master’s in Art Therapy at the University of Desarrollo-Espaciocrea. Daniela has worked with communities affected by natural disasters, adults with cognitive deterioration, and children in both public and private settings.