Laura Bongard art therapy teacher


I began my training as a psychoanalytic psychotherapist through the residency program at the Fundació Puigvert. After four years of supervised clinical practice and theoretical training in the psychoanalytic framework, particularly in the relational aspect, focusing mainly on somatic adults, I obtained my specialization in working with adults. Simultaneously, I started working in early intervention, focusing on early childhood (children and families from 0 to 6 years old). For me, it is crucial to understand the primitive psyche in both adults and children, allowing me to enjoy working with both age groups. Later on, I realized that I needed tools to understand beyond words, especially when words were lacking. That led me to specialize as a psychomotor therapist over three years of theoretical and body-based training. I continue to learn and work in the public sector and my private practice—two different yet complementary spaces that allow me to alternate with the joy of teaching.